What brought about the beef anyway? The #HyperActive team contacted A.T.O to find out,but then due to some reasons, he didnt give any information.
The trending song "In CONTROL" dropped on 25th December 2013. That was KillVille's "bronya" to "some" DopeYard boys. The track is a good one, good grammar,better flow.. it is a good sound. Good music there. But the way you said the "stupid boy" at the end was interesting.

image: "In CONTROL"
But then, will this beef end? What happens when they get back to school next term? Will there be any upcoming tracks to reply KillVille? Or they will just ignore them. AJ Jnr in one of his tweet asked: "When 65 was lyk he wud let Rhudeboi damage Darlington's whole clique... Which clique was he refern 2???" They answered "DopeYard".. But his words were simple----> relate 2 de ni99a u gotta problem with not ma army....its a danger zone
DopeYard boys and KillVille...
The track is doing well.. People are listening to it,but then we hope they settle the case and we live in PEACE. Good work A.T.O and Tyga 6'5. He gave s/o to cliques like A.G.E Music,Tinash Recordz from Augusco, Auditory Motion from Botwe, Jay Brothers and rappers like Kevin Ye,Richie,KyeiMonney and others.
Watch out for Jay Melt's "WOYOME" coming out, which will release tension.

image: A.T.O.
You can follow A.T.O @Forever_Wylin, Tyga 6'5: @tyga65gh. AJ Jnr: @JeffreySELFMADE. Darlington: @SaaDarlingtonNo. Okasa Jay: @_Ch33rMan Or follow KillVille: @_killVille
s/o to all KillVille brothers and DopeYard brothers.
Find out more about this story later.
#HyperActive . follow us on twitter: @hyperactive_gh.
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